Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Year end Reservist Cancelled !

According to a friend. Hope its true though....

Ha ha... now that reservist time had been cut to 10 years, i will only have around 8 more years left.

Now the problem is how to pass my IPPT or rather go through my RT without any hassle. Can't jump and run to save my sorry butts. Given my deadline is still some months away, i doubt that i can make it even then.

The story of my poor stamina and passive attitude to exercising started during the age of 6 or 7 when i was diagnosed with some serious asthma (according to my dad, it was due to his feeding of crocodile meat to me when i was a weak baby, something about it being too 凉. but who knows?). Since, i was excused from from all execises in my primary school based on my MC (real one lah). Coupled with laziness, my reluctance to move my sorry ass eventually formed part of my weird personality.

My time spent in JJC at least involve some PE lessons because i was scared of not able to withstand the onslaught of BMT. But fate had its own designs. I was thrown into the C1L1 band which effectively restricted the amount of exercise that i would be subjected to. Which is obviously why i had never passed my NS IPPT once.

Now as a NSmen, i guess RT will be certainly a bi-yearly affair. Wahaha...


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