Officer Ryan: You think you know who you are?
[Officer Hanson nods]
Officer Ryan: You have no idea.
Watched this Oscar winning movie around midnight last Saturday night with Ash and YY. It is indeed worthy of an Oscar.
In short, the above tagline sums up the reality of our lives.
Almost everyone would like to think of themselves as a good person that is non-sexist and non-racist. The truth is that most of us fall short. We are all racist and sexist to various degrees, just that we are probably unaware of it. When one is pressurized in extreme situations as depicted in Crash, our unconscious little bigot would start to emerge. One may give excuses that one is stressed or what not, but in realty, that doesn’t negate what wrongs that we might commit as a bigot.
Human beings are complex, i.e doing a wrong to some one one day and risking your life to save the same life the next day. Which is why what separates us from the rest of the animals is our conscience and our self-control over our basic instinct. Maybe it’s our environment that has a part in shaping our believes and instilling the stereotypes or maybe we are just naturally afraid of the unknown. Whatever it is, we all have the strength to rise above our darker side. One day
or another.
[Officer Hanson nods]
Officer Ryan: You have no idea.
Watched this Oscar winning movie around midnight last Saturday night with Ash and YY. It is indeed worthy of an Oscar.
In short, the above tagline sums up the reality of our lives.
Almost everyone would like to think of themselves as a good person that is non-sexist and non-racist. The truth is that most of us fall short. We are all racist and sexist to various degrees, just that we are probably unaware of it. When one is pressurized in extreme situations as depicted in Crash, our unconscious little bigot would start to emerge. One may give excuses that one is stressed or what not, but in realty, that doesn’t negate what wrongs that we might commit as a bigot.
Human beings are complex, i.e doing a wrong to some one one day and risking your life to save the same life the next day. Which is why what separates us from the rest of the animals is our conscience and our self-control over our basic instinct. Maybe it’s our environment that has a part in shaping our believes and instilling the stereotypes or maybe we are just naturally afraid of the unknown. Whatever it is, we all have the strength to rise above our darker side. One day
or another.

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