All is One, All is not One.
While Rikkõ, a high government official of the T'ang dynasty, had a talk with his Zen master, Nansen, the official quoted a saying of Sõjõ, a noted monk scholar of an earlier dynasty:
"Heaven and earth and I are of the same root (天地与我同根),
The ten-thousand things and I are of one substance (万物与我为一)."
and continued, 'Is not this a most remarkable statement?'
Nansen called the attention of the visitor to the flowering plant in the garden and said,
"People of the world look at these flowers as if they were in a dream (凡人见此花如在春梦). "
"Heaven and earth and I are of the same root (天地与我同根),
The ten-thousand things and I are of one substance (万物与我为一)."
and continued, 'Is not this a most remarkable statement?'
Nansen called the attention of the visitor to the flowering plant in the garden and said,
"People of the world look at these flowers as if they were in a dream (凡人见此花如在春梦). "
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