Saturday, September 23, 2006

An ordinary week and some random thoughts

Some random thoughts

IMF-World Bank Annual Meeting finally ended. Not really sure if I can believe our state media that we had really impressed our guests but there is no doubt that we didn’t gain the full benefits as touted by the administration. Now at least, we can finally go to Suntec and not get lost.

The Hong Lim Park Debacle helped CSJ gain some political mileage in his quest for freedom of speech and right to assembly on this red dot. Hopefully more people can see CSJ as a normal politician instead of a troublemaker as portrayed by the PAP and State Media. Here are 3 links to bloggers to have blogged about it. (1, 2, 3)

One may not agree with all his methods but you have to respect his tenacity in pursuing something that he believes in.

And then there’s the Pope’s clumsy slip-up seems to be abated judging by the events this week.

While their PM is out for meeting, the Thai Military staged a so-far-still-peaceful Coup, effectively throwing out the existing administration. There seems to be some protest by students this weekend where hopefully no blood will be spilled. Singaporean’s money might go down the drain due to Temask’s action in purchasing shares of Thailand’s national communication company which were owned by the deposed PM.

There’s a rumour in the wind that Ms Chua Sock Koong who took over the position of CEO at Singtel from Lee Hsien Yang was LKY’s niece. This is yet to be verified. Also till date, LHY never explained his sudden resignation from the top post.

The Taiwan street protest seems to be spilling out to this weekend. Will and should the current Taiwan’s president step down ?

The Verdict is still not out on the Lina Joy case in Malaysia that concerns Islamic conversion.

And 19 days to go before my last day with this Company.

‘I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it,' – attributed to Voltaire


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