If only my creativity is in this area
Browsing online, I found this website of a comic artist. His works are rather interesting. Must visit this 2 links : Island , The 10 commandments of Simon . Oh yes, you can also check out his link to other online comic artists. Inside, I have found this weird site that a weird person can visit. It is a collective dream diary authored by different people from around the world, and drawn as a comic strip by Jesse Reklaw. It is updated weekly. Cool.
Admittedly, I admire people who are musically or artistically inclined as I can’t sing, play musical instruments or even draw a circle to save my own life. I would like to think that i am more of the 伯乐 than the 千里马。
But there is always an artist in our hearts, somewhere. The problem is no one else understands our personal art. Even if people do see it, not many will recognize it for its intrinsic value to the artist himself as people are always thinking of what is it to them or that they 只专注于其形而不得其意. This will always be a problem as no one else on earth thinks alike much less trying to fathom the 意。所谓人心难测嘛。

Admittedly, I admire people who are musically or artistically inclined as I can’t sing, play musical instruments or even draw a circle to save my own life. I would like to think that i am more of the 伯乐 than the 千里马。
But there is always an artist in our hearts, somewhere. The problem is no one else understands our personal art. Even if people do see it, not many will recognize it for its intrinsic value to the artist himself as people are always thinking of what is it to them or that they 只专注于其形而不得其意. This will always be a problem as no one else on earth thinks alike much less trying to fathom the 意。所谓人心难测嘛。

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