The Constant Gardener

Caught " The Constant Gardener "(15/2), a movie that explores the grieve of losing a loved one against the backdrop of modern imperialism and corporate rape of poorer third world countries by MNCs in their pursuit for more profits while being protected/covered-up by the related first world government.
Always like Ralph Fiennes’s acting i.e as a “tortured soul”. But sadly he never got any Oscar awards for his works.
The following questions begged your response.
Can the efforts of one man change the world ?
How did the society churn out people who give different values to different lives?
If we turn the other way on injustices in the world today because we “too far” away to help, how can you still justify not doing something about the injustices in our own backyard?
I always wanted to tour Spain if I ever got the time or the money. But I guess, now, Spain has got to take a back seat to Africa. Coz the landscape is so beautifully depicted and the culture so radically but fascinating far-removed from our urban/modern/western experiences.
Lots of people told me to at least catch Brokeback Mountain. But I will give it a miss and instead focus on Syriana (2006).
Brokeback Mountain is just an atypical romance story involving men which doesn’t really appeal to me even if the film is really done superbly. On the other hand, Syriana is a political film that bring your awareness of the intimate relationships between politics and our daily lives to a clearer perspective.
hmm, i dun realli think it's considered a romance story. =P
Romance… ok… maybe a bit generalized.
So it’s a story about 2 same-sexed persons falling in love and their relationship (with each other, their extended families and society) thereafter against the backdrop of the masculine culture of “cowboying”. I suppose it also explores the loneliness of people who feel marginalized by the society for whatever reasons resulting in repression of their true selves.
The only interesting element, to me at least, is just how the stereotypes of gays are being challenged. The media and the society portray gay men as girlie, frivolous and urbanized/learnt, as though as it is only a modern phenomenon. The actual fact is that even the traditional masculine culture (which the society dun associate with gays) and in our past, the gay culture is always present, albeit underground.
It’s a milestone in cinema and the world (hopefully) that brings the theme of homosexuality into the mainstream society showing us that gays or lesbians are just like normal folks like you and me and they could be anyone, i.e your neighbours, teachers, grandparents or even our children etc.
Correct me if I’m wrong.
u sound quite right to me. (for once? haha.)
aniwae i jus saw heath ledge in casanova. whoaa... i think i'm impressed by his acting. esp since e 2 roles are kinda quite diff? =P
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