Monday, July 25, 2005

Wandering on Sunday

Was attempting to study at home on Sunday (24/7/05). But went out to meet a lonely friend V at Orchard. Loitered around Kinokuniya looking for books with my friend. She found hers but I can’t find mine. Made the mistake of parking in Taka, cost me $5. Sianz.

Went to the airport port to send off my friend whose going to start a chapter of her life in London. Missed a filter lane and got send on a long exploring trip to Changi Ferry and Village. But still reached Changi airport. Hope my friend has an enriching and safe time over at London.

Ate some pasta with V at the airport. Spent an hour studying at airport food court with V and Bob. So coincidentally her bf was coming back to S’pore an hour after our friend departed. Realised the airport parking is $1 per half hour. There goes $7. Attempted to send V home to Hougang. Took another exploration trip in Bedok reservoir and and Tampines before reaching the destination.

Finally got home at 0045hrs.

Thought of the day:

If all speech start and end in silence, why speak ?
If we wake up from sleep and afterwards go back to sleep, why be awake?
If before our birth there is nothing for us and after our life, it ends with nothing for us, why live?
If the universe comes from nothing and ends in nothing, why am I typing this?
If I know no one can answer my question before I ask my question, and no one can answer my question after I asked the question, why did the question exist?


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