Tuesday, June 27, 2006

3 Questions.

In the history of men, even in the future, there are 3 burning questions that all mortal men will ask in some point of their life.
  1. What is the meaning of life? / Is there a God etc tec.
  2. What is in my future ? / How and when will i die ? etc etc
  3. What is the opposite sex thinking ? / What do they want ?

The first question depends on the individual or whether there is a God.

The 2nd question cannot be answered unless you have a Delorean with a flux capacitor.

Now, the last question, when compared to the first 2, seems like a no-brainer on first look. But it has, too, left many philosophers, sages and ordinary mortal men bewildered since they first know about the opposite sex.

Personally speaking, i'll rather not know the answer to the 3rd question. Coz if i did, relationships would no longer be fun anymore. ha ha ha...


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