Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Spoke too soon

Apparently, a colleague that i had not met yet has died of a heart attack. His office is just around the corner.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

3 Weddings and a Death.

Over the last weekend (9th & 10th), 3 female friends of mine got married. An Ex-Miss Bai from my NPCC group, an Ex-Miss Lai from my Uni-class and lastly an Ex-Miss Kee who is my Uni-mate cum SWC member. Did not attend Ex-Miss Lai’s ROM ceremony as its too cramp at a Changi Poolside. But nevertheless, all the best to all newly-weds. Apparently its considered passe to adopt your husband's surname for the modern young females on this island.

Death news came in the form of my Ex-boss from my previous job. Apparently he suffered a heart attack while playing golf in Malaysia on Sunday. He is good-natured, knowledgeable and a great boss. He will be missed by a lot of people that I’m sure. Hopefully my ex-colleagues are not that adversely affected by his pass away. Rest in peace, Mr Yamano. Heart attack is a really silent killer.

Saw an accident yesterday too. A taxi collided into a motorcyclist. The motorcyclist was rolled under the taxi’s wheels. No news regarding the outcome yet.

Was unable to even up the score coz I woke up today. As usual, my annual birthday wish never came through. Frack, I’m really tired.

At any single moment, the Alpha and Omega process is always in motion. As transient as all things maybe, it is still worth the time for mortals to experience all the 酸甜苦辣 of this bowl of soup known as Life.

Personally, I’m tired of it all.

No matter which level of happiness, sadness, heartache, satisfaction or any other human emotions that one can experience, the feeling of that emotions are all the same, albeit at different amount. Go examine all the occasions when you are happy or sad, the essence of the feeling is the same at which ever level / value you are at, as in more or less happy. Sounds complex? Think of emotions like happiness as food like Fried Kwaytiao or sadness as bitter herbal tea. When you are more happy, its just more Kwaytiao, when more sad, more bitter herbal tea. But essence of kway tiao and herbal tea are the same.

Moving on. So when you get too tired of all the emotions in the world, what else is left ?

I know. But do you ?

Sunday, December 03, 2006

084 hitting the road

The last station for IPPT was the 2.4km run. Considering the fact that I have no reason to attempt it as failure is already guaranteed, I lifted my left foot and started running.

Running, sweating profusely and breathless, the demon of laziness was demanding that I fall out.

“Why do you bother to run ? You dun get anything out of this. Are you ashamed of falling behind and coming in last ? You could be enjoying a can of cold cool 100plus. You will start to regret it as you start aching tomorrow…. etc etc “

Yet I persisted.

In the end, I was the last, even the PTI in charge of the station had started packing up, thus leaving my actual timing unknown.

Yet I was happy.

I started, I ended. Cheers.


2 months ago, MIG (men in green) computer system had been sending one SMS per week reminding me to take my annual IPPT. And last month, the frequency increased to 2 twice a week and these last 2 weeks, every 2 days. And upon considering the fact that its not worth 50 bucks and the hassle of digging out my Greens to delay the inevitable RT, I went for a IPPT yesterday.

Never did pass any non-ICT IPPT before, and this one was no different. I suppose anyone that’s not severely obese can pass if they put in some effort to train. Exercising had never been part of my life style, discounting golf and other passive sports that I have picked up along the way, so I guess RT is the only way that can drum it into me. Anyway, I have already gathered my band of “fallen” green brothers to attend my future RTs, so it should be fun, albeit a troublesome way to jumpstart a health routine.