Monday, December 28, 2009

C'est La Vie

Received SMS from Bernard that Adrian Lee is in coma after having a seizure in the sea.

The first question to come was of course, which Adrian is it?

And it took me 2 days to finally remember which Adrian he is.


I mean we were same class during our Uni first year. What happened, such that i could not match a face to this name. The truth is that we drifted apart after first year due to RE/BU streaming.

But still, if i'm in SG, i would go and see him, maybe for the last time. We did have some fun times together then. He's a talkative guy who likes to debate and talk all sort of nonesense with me or anyone in general. The last time we spoke was on yahoo this year.

Hmm... feeling crappy now... Maybe subconsciously, i dun want want the name to be that of some one that i do know again? Trying to give myself an excuse? Maybe....

Nevertheless my dear Adrian, not sure when u will be leaving us. But just want u to know i dun regret knowing u. Cheers my friend. Be in peace.

Post note - 3 Jan 10: Go in peace my friend.
