Personally, I think this jail thingy for racist who publish their views on either the public media are way over, even as a deterrence sentence.
Banning people from publicly voicing their opinions, that is extremist or racist in nature, does not mean that such thoughts will disappear. It will just be driven underground and will go un-notice until it is too late when it had permeated into the majority or minority consciousness. Having people voice out their thoughts, even if ridiculous and illogical can help us understand how the misinformation came about and who are actually infected by such extremist views. Then we can see what to do about it.
Such highly-strung controls also show the immaturity of the ruling party and its populace in handling of sensitive issues.
No doubts, racial riots had happened in the past and might happen in the future. One must be clear that there are no solutions to stupidity and hence racism, something akin to virus infection. As long as there are people, there are bounded to be misunderstanding and discrimination. Besides you can’t stop others from thinking, right? Especially when we have crazy people who are highly educated, but still commit horrendous crimes to innocent people. This sadly just illustrate that having education / knowledge does not help someone whose mind are clouded with his own delusions.
Racisim is a virus that infects people and has no cure (i.e like your common flu), the only protection is to boost up your immune system (to lower the probability of having the virus run wide in your body when one come into contact). Like the common flu, once you catch it, there is no cure but to further build up your body immune sytem through thorough rest and wait for it to subside. You can ease your suffering by taking medications that only relieve the symptom but not treat the underlying illness.
Luckily for this red dot, the population is small and there are only 4 artificially created enclaves (i.e Chinese, Malays, Indians, Others). We can only hope that good education can help clear most of the misconceptions about each race and to have faith that people are not idiots to fall prey to illogical or bias messages from motivated and selectively-blind idiots.
One other area to be noted is that adequate representation in administration for the minority must exist to address the concerns of the minorities. Their concerns should not be swept under the carpet and should be properly addressed even if there is no viable solution in sight. Once people started to feel oppressed, the infection will start.
Poverty or the unequal sharing of resources is the bed rock of all problems in any society. With nothing to lose, people are restless and problems will arise using whatever reasons that are convenient.
My last concern is that self-righteous people will run wild branishing their own brand of justice under this sedition law thingy. Not so good to people like me who thinks differently from others and the society as a whole.