Saw this post from
“If the message is that being gay is so horrible that you can be killed for it, then we have to change the message”
No one should be killed for being different from others. All should be equal under the Law. That should be the fundamental of any organised society. And if that society is not so, citizens should be allowed to leave to find their own paradise. I support Ellen's cry to change the message. And by relations, i support the appeal to repeal section 377A of Singapore's Penal Code, which is supposedly being kept for the conservative local
Asian community and as a sleeping penalty. Who knows whether another
Anwar case will appear in the red dot.
On another different matter, i realise that i was tempted to say that there should exceptions, in particular those involved in crimes, to my above statement "All should be equal under the Law". One reason is because crimes are determined by the legislative and the society at large and each of these groups
classify crimes according to their believes, which may not fair to all.
Reaching into my heart and brain, i came to 2 convictions:
1. Criminals, once served their sentences, should be given a clean slate, except for those habitual repeaters, who by theory, cannot make their own decisions due to their mental states.
2. Life is precious. Criminals should be locked up to punish them for their crime or keep them away from the society at large to protect others. In this respect, my final stand on the death penalty is a negative.
2 messages must be changed for all society at large.
1. Being different is not a crime, even if it is on sexuality and of course as long as all are willing parties.
2. No life should be take away from another just for punishment.